I’m a pretty hard sell on restaurants, but I’m all about trying new ones...I think because I often don’t find places that I think are good enough, combined with loving something new! So I’ve decided to report my endeavors and let you know what my review is! I’m not a high paid person that has money to blow on fancy things (often) so my reviews will be from the perspective of someone who loves food, but also loves quality and quantity combined in a good price. I will be using this scale (no, not the usual scale, but this is my blog!)
1- Horrible, it should be closed down!!
2- I would have been better of eating at home
3- Poor, wouldn’t go back.
4- Ok, but I still wouldn’t go back
5- Average, I wouldn’t go back, but at least I tried it!
6- Slightly above average, but would go back.
7- Pretty good, but I likely wouldn’t go back
8- Good Service, good food, good pricing, I’d go back if someone really wanted to.
9- Great all around, I would go back (After I’ve been to the other place I want to go!)
10- Amazing, would go back again and again
I hope you enjoy my reviews!!
(I've started posted, check out the places I've tried here!!)